Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Em-BODY-ment of procrastination

And when I write "em-body-ment", it is no accident. Today is the third day of my vacation. I have rested, relaxed, enjoyed time with my family, and even done some yoga along with taking walks with my husband. Today I have all day to schedule in a long yoga session to my liking, and I feel the need to focus on forward folds.

So why doesn't my body want to wake up? Why is it that once I do pamper myself with some R&R my body, instead of showing some gratitude by offering me some energy on a give-and-take basis, goes into coma mode? It's like the more I rest, the more tired I become. And instead of enthusiastically going to the studio I find myself having to drag myself there. No wonder it takes me forever to get anywhere.

And yet when I do get there I know my body is going to thank me for it.

Time to get moving, even if it's in slow motion.

1 comment:

  1. Jag tor att det är för att du först och behöver vila och sova. När kroppen är färdig med det kommer förmodligen energin tillbaka. Jag tror det. Och jag känner igen mig. Jag sover mycket och vilar mycket när jag är ledig. Kram på dig
