Thursday, March 4, 2010


Next week will mark the 20th anniversary of my moving to Sweden. It is quite a milestone. From this point on, I will have spent more of my life in Europe than I have in my home country, which is (and always will be) my HOME.

Sort of.

Because Sweden is my home, too.

And while this is a huge milestone for me since living in Europe has shaped me in a way that never would have been possible had I remained in the States, it's hardly the only one there has been or ever will be. And this day, albeit special, will last for exactly 24 hours before passing on to the next one.

And my journey, with all of its twists and turns, tops and valleys, has been lined with so many different milestones. And crossroads. And I have done my best to follow the best possible path based on what I've known at the time.

At least I haven't hit a dead end - yet. That must count for something, right?

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