Tuesday, April 14, 2009


After writing my last entry I sat down to meditate.

Feeling tired and cranky I knew it wouldn't be easy. Eventually I felt a wave of discomfort approaching, and as it started coming closer my immediate thought was to abruptly end this session. That's almost always my first thought.

Stay put and see what happens - my second thought. A couple of breaths later, in a dreamlike state, I pictured my skull cracking open (no oozing brains, just light peering out from within). I said to myself, "I am a child of God." The next instant I thought, "How obnoxious and egotisitical of me - snap out of it." Which I did. I felt embarassed.

Then I wondered, "Why do I feel embarassed? Isn't that what yoga is trying to teach us at heart? That we are all children of God, in an essence that WE are God?"


1 comment:

  1. Absolut. du, jag, grannen - alla är Gud. Var inte generad, var stolt.
