This morning started perfectly. I woke up on my own in MY bed beside my husband (who was kindly enough not snoring in my ear at the time) and was immediately greeted by my purring four-legged-friend. I got up and managed to sit in a mini-meditation for about ten minutes; then my daughter came out of her room. There's nothing like holding your child close and kissing her on the head when you've been away travelling.
I got to open a new package of my FAVORITE coffee (from Denmark, courtesy of my father-in-law). As the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the kitchen, I walked into my son's room and laid down in his bed. As he pendled between sleeping and waking, I kissed his sweet cherub lips.
Somehow, when everyone was up and in the midst of eating breakfast, my husband and I started to wage in the classic "Here's an idiotic melody that I am going to plant into your brain so that you can't stop thinking about it all day" war. His contribution was Björn Skifs "Hooked On a Feeling". I quickly countered with Right Said Fred's "I'm Too Sexy". My son enjoyed both thoroughly and proceeded to do his famed "monkey-dance" as his partially chewed sandwich fell out of his mouth to the floor.
Finally, under a cloudless sky filled with sunshine, birdsong, and a promise of warm, spring weather, I had the privilege of walking my children to school.
Reminder to self - keep these images close at hand as you begin to work and inevitably embark upon freaking out about the upcoming weeks of chaos.
P.S. Not my fault - it was performed at a cabaret I attended on Wednesday!!
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