I have started exploring different blog spheres by clicking on friends' links to new pages with new links, and so on. Naturally I am drawn to blogtitles that are somehow connected to yoga. Right now I have two categories for these bloggers and their entries:
A). They write about how yoga inspires them beyond the physical practice as they, too, struggle to lay all the pieces in their life puzzle together - with varying results depending on the demands of the day.
B). Others choose to dictate how many times they have worked out during a given week and whether or not they could grab their big toe in a forward bend (as always, using only the Sanskrit name).
Not to judge, but admittedly I much prefer reading category A. So much so that this tired, stiff, and stressed yogi actually pulled out her mat at 9 P.M. in her minimal hotel room/linen closet (?) to do her favorite Candlelight Yoga practice before getting into bed - all because of the positive words that were offered by other sister yogis.
håller med dig helt och hållet. blir galet trött på "yogisar" som slänger sig med sanskrit namnen på asanas, deras utövande av yogan har blivit helt resultat orienterat. precis som du skrev - idag kunde jag slå knut på mig själv två gånger... känns som att det är mest som ett skruvat försök till att impa på omgivningen. fast å andra sidan så är det ju inte direkt "yogit" av mig att döma. men trött blir jag.