Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Catholic guilt syndrome

OK, even a lot of my non-secular girlfriends suffer from the same condition (Note that for some reason I know of no guy who experiences the following dilemma.). It's when you put your personal needs at the bottom of your to-do list, again and again.

This is the reason I work as an instructor at the gym in my spare time. Take tonight, for example: I had left home for work yesterday and spent the night in the town where we have our main office. On my drive home I got to town around dinner time, but I didn't go home directly since I had a class to teach shortly after 7 P.M. It turned out to be a magical hour, it felt absolutely fabulous, and I had the time of my life.

The sad thing is, had I not been teaching this class, you know, so that I had to be there, I would never have gone on my own. This despite the fact that it was the best thing I could do for ME. My kids are in bed by 8 P.M. anyway. I am really looking forward to seeing them in the morning and eating breakfast together, that's soon enough, right? Especially if it means being greeted by a relaxed, well-rested Mom?

But my feelings of obligation to them doesn't allow me to give myself the right to take 2 hours for myself if I haven't seen them for 36 hours. Luckily my obligation to my class (seeing as I have a contract to honor) saved my (now exhausted) butt once again.

Will I ever learn to put myself first, at least some of the time, at my own initiative?

1 comment:

  1. Jag vet, jag gör precis likadant. Ställer mig precis samma fråga. Mitt svar blir alltid: tyvärr inte.
