For the second morning in a row, I have gotten up before everyone else. Last spring I made an effort to go for a morning walk. Yesterday and today I sat down to meditate in the morning silence. I think I may be starting to get the hang of this, albeit the changes are small and very subtle.
Since my sinuses are starting to note the approaching spring and are somewhat swollen, I've tested "nadi sodhana" (picture), that is alternate nostril breathing. It not only balances my breathing, I feel the energy awaken in each side of my body. Very nice, as Borat would say.
I continued on with a simple form of vispassana that I just read about in my Yoga Journal. On the inhalation I think, "cold air in", and on the exhalation, "warm air out". That's it.
Which is perfect, because that is all I can handle at 6 A.M. in the morning.
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