The following is a comprised list of the ongoing experiments, completely lacking any scientific value, that are presently being carried out in my domestic laboratory.
Experiment 1: Operation aimed at helping me combat incontinence as a result of giving childbirth.
The procedure consisted of having a couple of "stirrups" (stigbyglar) sewn into the backside of my urethra, which gave my bladder a push-up effect. Some girls get boob jobs; others get face lifts. My choice of plastic surgery will hopefully provide ME with the most pleasure :-) . Anyhow the big test was going to Carina's Body Jam class last week, and I am psyched to announce that I made it through the entire class without having to run out to the restroom!
If this is something you are thinking about, I can warmly recommend it!!
Experiment 2: Omega 3 to my oh-so-energetic-5-year-old
Started just yesterday. I bought the expensive brand that is supposed to have the EPA (?) oils that are proven to have a positive effect on children's ability to concetrate. For starters, I am jumpstarting the process by giving my son double the dose that my 10-year-old daughter is getting (all in accordance with the recommended allowances). I figure it's worth a shot...
Experiment 3: Secret Legend Rhodiola Rosea—Arctic Root (Rosenrot) to parents stuck in a zombie-like state.
That would be me and my husband. Despite gorgeous spring weather, a Florida vacation, a long Easter weekend, and even spring break for my husband, we have been in a near comatose state for the past month. So I figured that's it - not even my beloved coffee is helping anymore. So I went to the health store yesterday and bought some Arctic Root and took it this morning with my juice and proceeded to order my husband to do the same. And I don't care if it's a placebo effect, but I felt great today - alert and focused and actually got a lot of work done!
Experiment 1: Operation aimed at helping me combat incontinence as a result of giving childbirth.
The procedure consisted of having a couple of "stirrups" (stigbyglar) sewn into the backside of my urethra, which gave my bladder a push-up effect. Some girls get boob jobs; others get face lifts. My choice of plastic surgery will hopefully provide ME with the most pleasure :-) . Anyhow the big test was going to Carina's Body Jam class last week, and I am psyched to announce that I made it through the entire class without having to run out to the restroom!
If this is something you are thinking about, I can warmly recommend it!!
Experiment 2: Omega 3 to my oh-so-energetic-5-year-old
Started just yesterday. I bought the expensive brand that is supposed to have the EPA (?) oils that are proven to have a positive effect on children's ability to concetrate. For starters, I am jumpstarting the process by giving my son double the dose that my 10-year-old daughter is getting (all in accordance with the recommended allowances). I figure it's worth a shot...
Experiment 3: Secret Legend Rhodiola Rosea—Arctic Root (Rosenrot) to parents stuck in a zombie-like state.
That would be me and my husband. Despite gorgeous spring weather, a Florida vacation, a long Easter weekend, and even spring break for my husband, we have been in a near comatose state for the past month. So I figured that's it - not even my beloved coffee is helping anymore. So I went to the health store yesterday and bought some Arctic Root and took it this morning with my juice and proceeded to order my husband to do the same. And I don't care if it's a placebo effect, but I felt great today - alert and focused and actually got a lot of work done!
Kör hårt! Ses på söndag 10:30? Kram