Sunday, August 5, 2012

Should-do lists

Picture from Google

At least 85% of my thoughts are comprised of ever-looming should-do lists. Naturally, each and every point should be placed on the much more prestigious "to-do" list, but since I never seem to get any of them done on a regular basis, well, then, that sort of ends that discussion.

When I started listing these items one by one, it soon struck me that one list alone wouldn't suffice. There are, in fact, just as many categories of should-do lists as there are should-do tasks! 

A sample of categories off the top of my head:

1. Things I should-do for my personal well-being
2. Things I should-do to keep get my home in order.
3. Things I should-do to be better organized for work.
4. Things I should-do to be a better mother
5. Things I shoud-do to be a better wife.
6. Things I should-do to be a better friend.

*sigh* It's no wonder I feel so inefficient...

Being the self-help junkie that I am, I firmly believe that making conscious, healthy choices is the key to leading a happy life. At the same time, the stress of living up to such high standards is enough to suffocate anyone. Let's say I was going to dedicate all my time and energy to completing the first list, things I should-do for my personal well-being, then this is how a day in my life would be:
1. I would meditate.
2. I would take a long, morning walk.
3. I would wear nice (i.e. ironed) clothes. with done-up hair and made-up face.
4. I would do some yoga, or some other kind of work out.
5. I would take a shower and spend an hour in the sauna.
6. I would blog.
7. I would paint.
8. I would make healthy meals from scratch.
9. And of course, I would be in bed by 9:30 P.M.
Ok, so I am exaggerating to some extent, but deep down, this is no joke. Note that items such as facebook, shopping, and café-visits aren't even on the list, since this enlightened life I strive for is supposed to be down-scale. Yeah, right.
On the other hand, truth be told, I usually manage to find more than enough time to facebook, while my bursting closets tell the tale of a girl who never turns down the chance to save on clearance! Is it then possible to redirect at least some of the time used on mindless and/or useless acitivities to doing things that may require more effort, but would feel more enriching? And manage to do it without feeling like I'm stressing myself towards an early grave?
Then maybe a number of my should-dos could be promoted to to-dos.
And maybe, just maybe, even make the nirvanic been-there-done-THAT-list.

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