Friday, November 13, 2009

Report card

My nephew just got his report card and with a B+ average made his mommy proud (Go, Spencer!). It makes me wonder what my report card in the school of life would look like this semester?

Last week I promised myself that I would make a conscious effort to curb my temper and raise my threshold for irritation. For that I give myself an A. I have had an incredibly harmonious week with my kids; it's been fanstastic. My 6-year-old Alex has been spoiling me by giving me spur of the moment massages since my leg hurts, and he feels sorry for me.

As far as accepting my circumstances, yeah I'm worth an A there as well! At another point in my life I might have found myself crying in selfpity over my loss of control. Studying yoga has really helped me to understand that we will never be able to be in control of everything that happens to us. If anything I am thankful for having found out that I have osteoarthritis since that gives me the opportunity to do something about it. I can't cure it, but with the right kind of exercise I can hopefully keep myself together for years to come.

Stress managment? A. I think I'm too tired to freak out about having to juggle my work schedule. When has my work schedule ever not needed juggling? Try never. When will my work schedule ever be normal? See previous answer. When work no longer works for me (and my family) then it will be time to find a new job. Period.

Phys Ed (sv=idrott)? C What can I say? Doc said I had no restrictions, after all, "You're a P.T.; you know what to do..." And I just wanted to say, "Yeah, and you're an orthopedic surgeon, but I don't see you treating cardiac patients or delivering babies!" I guess the knee is OK, but it's pretty stiff and sore, and I caught a monster of a cold at the hospital.

I realize that selfpraise, especially in a public forum, is a huge breach of womanly conduct. But this isn't about seeking approval from others. Ever since I turned 30 and had one of the worst periods of my life I have been searching for ways to live life to the fullest. I have wanted to change my faults. And like any report card, my grades only reflect my status as of this moment. It's a lot easier to fare well when you're not in the middle of a major crisis. And for that I am most humbly thankful.

Things to work on - start by getting off of my butt (I'm not that handicapped) and get some work done. Although I have to admit that it is nice to just zone out while looking at the sun shine on the apple tree outside of my window.

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