In certain areas I am, always have been, and probably always will be a late bloomer... Even biologically I was the last girl to develop physically, hell, both of my little sisters beat me in that race!
Even though I liked sports, I didn't start working out until I was twenty. The first time I tried jogging I couldn't even run a ½-mile.
Being at home I had the opportunity to discover "Project Runway" which has been on TV for, what, 5 years?!
As far as the rest goes:
I didn't buy a cassette Walkman until CD's were everywhere.

I just bought my first, private cell phone less than a year ago.
By the time I discovered Facebook (thanks to a friend!), everyone and their brother had already joined (except my husband who refuses!).
It took me three years to even check out a blog, much less start one myself.
And what got me started on this theme...
But it rocks!
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