The good news: The operation went well. I managed even to "surprise" the surgeon who was convinced that I had torn my meniscus. But as soon as I was under (the anethesia) they were able to reposition my knee which meant that it had simply been locked - REALLY locked. They went in and could conclude that my meniscus was fine and in tact. That means that I don't need any rehabilitation, sick leave, or restrictions other than to wait for the incisions to heal.
The bad news: While examining my knee the surgeon discovered that my cartilage is damaged which is a sign of osteoarthritis. While I don't need to do anything about it now, I will probably be needing to have a knee replacement done some time down the road. Now it was my turn to be surprised. I have NEVER had any problems with my knee! I've never been on crutches! And I can't even begin to spell the term "double-jointed". But there it was, my verdict, exactly one month before my 40th birthday.
So for all of you who don't have enough time to exercise (myself included), rethink your priorities (myself included). It could very well be that hour you give yourself 2-3 times a week which is holding your body's glue together, whether you know it or not.
Now it's time to increase my glucosamine supplements as well...
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