After way too much procrastinating I made it very clear to myself (the way a mother scolds a child who stayed up too late and woke up tired and cranky the following morning) that the fact that I didn't get off the computer (and thereby off my butt) before 9:45 P.M. would not excuse me from doing some evening yoga. I am tired of being my own worst enemy when it comes to doing things I know are good for me and that, in turn, always make me feel good.
That said, the mat came out. The DVD-player was turned on. Then I heard the kitty hatch open and the pitter-pat of paws coming down the stairs. 10 P.M. is Mr. Meow's jump-in-bed-and-snuggle time. Seeing that I was on the floor didn't bother him a bit. He just plopped himself down on my mat and proceeded to do his cleasning ritual - cat yoga style.
Don't you just hate showoffs?
Jo, d e sant. Katt-showoff