As much as I would like to say that I am serene and wise in all that I say and do, the truth is I am modern woman living in the Western hemisphere, and, well, we'll just let this list speak for itself:
*I just poured myself a glass of wine, but I'll probably feel hungover before I even finish it.
*The hamburger dinner pictured (yes, that's bacon in the corner) was absolutely delicious; you should have seen the spread of toppings we used - I am so not a vegetarian...
* I wrote on Facebook today that I wish I could play golf, but the truth is I don't know if my temper would allow me enough patience to get a small ball into a minimal hole on a huge course without me suffering from a stress-related aneurism (I'm a bit on the competitive side and an incredibly sore loser).
* Even if I strive for moderation, it would be a lie to say that the Playstation, computer, and/or TV don't "babysit" my kids every so often so that I can have some peace.
* I want to have a nice body, even if I should know by now that I am not my body.
* I bargain with myself, like tonight for example: If you (Judie) do your yoga, then you can stay up to watch "So You Think You Can Dance".
* At times I am way too impatient with my kids and get agitated too easily. This bothers me more than anything else.
* I shy away from conflicts (with the exception of my husband).
"When you know better, you do better!" Well, maybe not all the time...
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