I don't exactly enjoy sounding angry and/or irritated, be it when I write a blog entry or when I find myself nagging at my kids and/or husband (who sometimes disguises himself as an overgrown kid...). I have always had a temper, something that has been handed down from generation to generation in my family. It has literally taken me years to go from being the kind of type-A personality who would always lightly pump on the gas when stuck at a red light to allowing myself to put the car in neutral instead, realizing that a fraction of a second's difference in my reaction time isn't going to make any difference in how fast I get from A to B, but it may very well spare me from high blood pressure and heart failure later on down the road.
While I have enjoyed much more balance by being in better control of my reactions, I still have issues with my temper and hence my mood swings. Of course, by having a temper I have an inbuilt stress barometer, so it sort of helps bring clarity to how much stress I am experiencing. I chose the term "experiencing" instead of "exposed to" since my reaction isn't always relative to the stimulus. I can be calm, cool, and collected while one of my kids is barfing all over me while the same "me" can be on the verge of a coronary should someone forget to wipe down the kitchen counters after doing the dishes. Fun, huh? Even more fun is not always being able to predict when the Mr. Hyde part of my personality is going to make itself known.
Now that I look back at my latest entries, I must continue to maintain that, yes, my little sea of hormones is having some sort of not too subtle impact on my moods. It has spread to differents of me like a rash, so on top of having basically NO patience and NO stress-threshold, my face is peppered with zits, my head feels like a zit in desperate need of being popped, my throat feels tight, my appetite's gone, and an invisible rock has made itself at home on my chest.
What to do, what to do?
Be patient... Take a shower.... Try to relax... Get to bed early enough so that tomorrow I can get up for a walk first thing...
Once again I am lucky to have a husband who knows me well enough to let me be.
Imagine if there was such a thing as chill pills. How great would that be?
om du hittar några sådana piller -kan du vara snäll å dela med dig till mig då?