And tonight I am playing the following card:
The "it's my blog, and I'll rant if I want to" card.
Celebrity-wannabees have no business showcasing themselves in cheesy B-magazines trying to come off as experts in fields where they are obviously complete novices. The girl in this picture is a world class ballroom dancer, but she is not a yoga instructor. So why is she standing there, clueless and/or ingnorant to her utter lack of technique as well as insight, irresponsibly sending the worst possible message to the readers they are trying to "inspire"? Doesn't she realize that this only diminishes her image, by agreeing to do something completely out of her league, when she instead could have shared with others what it is that has made her excel in her own field?
The only people who should be depicted in these kinds of articles should be of a caliber that they are capable of instructing instructors - nothing less. At least in my opinion. Show some respect, people, for yourself and your followers.
While I'm on the subject of respect, I may as well take this opportunity to vent a little more. Yes, I know that I am very clearly revealing my weakness of character by allowing myself to get all riled up, but I'll just remind you of the card I decided to play at the beginning of this entry ;-) .
Anyhow, here goes: if you are a yoga student/yoga class participant who has no interest in listening, learning, or allowing me to suggest, guide, or teach you: WHAT ARE YOU DOING COMING TO MY CLASS??? Seriously, I just don't get it. I hope that whatever journey you are on, you'll eventually start opening your eyes, mind, and heart, at least if you're going to keep coming to my class.
Like I said, I know this says just as much about my own shortcomings, but I'm dealing with those outside the blog. For now, I'm using my blog to unload.
And I'm blaming my mood on PMS.
Here's what Warrior II should look like:
Top picture from aftonbladet.se
Bottom picture from yogajournal.com
Hell Judy, you have every right to rant, it being your blog or not. Especially since I think you are SO right! There are alot of lack of respect out there! Don`t blame it on PMS. Go on venting! Judy rules! Judy rock!
Näe Judie, du har såååå rätt. Skit i PMS, du har rätt.