This summer I am doing my best to be a better "Yogamamma" than I was this spring. In May I had promised myself to no longer stress out about my physical yoga practice. That doesn't mean that I don't have to every now and then grab myself by the collar and get down to some vinyasa business, but I am neither letting my vanity nor a false sense of what one "should be doing" trick me into jumping into the (female) hamster wheel of stress, exhaustion, and performance anxiety. Seriously - if any of those words describe how you feel about your exercise habits - how yogic does that sound?
If I were to have a single intention with this blog, I want it to act as a counter to any blog that either deliberately or accidentally makes its readers question themselves as to how much, or rather how little, they are working out. I want other yogic bloggers to at least reflect upon how much value they place on the number of sun salutations they do and the difficulty levels of their poses and compare it to how much they focus on the philosophical ideals connected to the true spirit of yoga. I'm sure most authors are sincere about wanting to develop all sides of themselves, but for some reason I am still reading too many blogs where the only yogic information offered solely has to do with the physical practice, which, without conscious thought or intention, becomes nothing more than stretching and acrobatics.
Here's some startling information that often times can be hard to to admit - I'm a yoga teacher, but I don't roll out my mat on a daily basis. And that's what works for me, seeing as I am like most other women my age: I work full time; I have a house, husband, and two kids; I have the need to at times relax and recharge (=SLEEP). If working out every day works for you, that's fantastic! But I don't think that applies to the majority of middle-aged people out there (Yes, my friends, all of us around 40-something are middle-aged, but that doesn't necessarily mean we are from the Middle Ages!).
BUT, and there is a BUT, I practice yoga every day! And now that I'm on vacation, and taking time to let things take time, I am noticing that I am feeling more in balance and harmonious than I have in a LONG time. I have so much more patience with my kids, and I can see how my change of mood is benefiting them immensely. The same goes for my husband. I have passed up many opportunities to roll out the mat by choosing to go for walks, hand in hand, with my soulmate. I've used quiet evenings (which start much later now that the kids are off from school) to either read some yoga literature or practice simple meditation. And when there's time, energy, and at least a little bit of motivation, I have been able to enjoy popping in a DVD and allowing myself to guided through different series of movements and flows.
What makes you feel good, deep down inside? Stop comparing; jump out of the wheel. Do what works for you.
That's at least what trying to be yogic means to me. And it's what I hope to instill in my kids, as well. Trust me, I have a long way to go, and now it's time for me to sign off and spend some time with my son.
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