Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Short and Sweat (perhaps a little bit sweet...)

Nope. I did not have the ability to concentrate nor the stamina for a longer, dynamic session today. So instead I chose to do my Baron Baptiste "Long and Lean Yoga" which is more like a Hatha Yoga session where you do fewer poses but hold them longer, with some vinyasas in between.

Nothing (aside from Carina Bronge's Body Jam classes) gets me to break into such a sweat as this program. After 30 minutes the sweat was pouring off of me as the skies darkened, and thunder approached from a distance. My mind was begging me to just give up, but Baron assured me that I "was stronger than I thought", so I kept on. I figured that since I had done the right side, the only right thing to do was to at least do the left side as well. Suddenly my heart started pounding so much that I felt its vibrations in my ears.

And my mind surrendered, the sweet kind of surrender.

Mind you, nothing in my resistance signaled that something was wrong with me physically. I do not believe in pushing oneself beyond one's limit to the point where you relinquish control. The resistance I felt was more of a lazy, tired nature. And the compromise was to do a shorter practice instead.

1 comment:

  1. det måste vara något i luften, jag känner likadant. kram
