Nothing (aside from Carina Bronge's Body Jam classes) gets me to break into such a sweat as this program. After 30 minutes the sweat was pouring off of me as the skies darkened, and thunder approached from a distance. My mind was begging me to just give up, but Baron assured me that I "was stronger than I thought", so I kept on. I figured that since I had done the right side, the only right thing to do was to at least do the left side as well. Suddenly my heart started pounding so much that I felt its vibrations in my ears.
And my mind surrendered, the sweet kind of surrender.
Mind you, nothing in my resistance signaled that something was wrong with me physically. I do not believe in pushing oneself beyond one's limit to the point where you relinquish control. The resistance I felt was more of a lazy, tired nature. And the compromise was to do a shorter practice instead.
det måste vara något i luften, jag känner likadant. kram