Monday, July 6, 2009


This week the whole family has off from school/preschool/work. And we have no plans; instead we are just going with the flow. Yesterday I impulsively did a few items on my summer to-do list, but followed it up by taking the kids to play mini-golf and meeting up with a girlfriend there.

Today we ate breakfast. I sat down on the couch and read the paper. Eventually I did some yoga. I took my daughter to town for lunch and shopping. I drank coffee on the porch with my husband. I got my eyebrows plucked. We stopped by friends to pick up our son and chatted a while. We bought take away pizza. And now I am lying on the couch again with my laptop, and as soon as I am done with this entry I plan on taking a short walk to get some fresh air.

Or rather a short roll; I regret having eaten my entire pizza...

All in all, a pretty nice day.

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