I'm not one to advocate forcing oneself to do anything, but I do at times have to be really tough on myself when it comes to meditating. And the only reason I do that is because there is absolutely nothing bad that can come from meditating, only good. And if I could just sit my butt down and get my act together...at best I meditate a couple of times a week, which, face it, is a joke, because what the hell I am doing that is so important that I can't sit still in silence for 15 minutes a day??? God, talking about being full of it!
I recently read in Yoga Journal that a novice meditator's mind can be compared to that of a toddler's and whose progress can be likened with the stages of child development. And as such, the need for loving encouragement is the only way to breed success. Nothing could be more true. However, if I have on ocassion succeeded in being on the same level as a 6-year-old, tonight I was definitely in my terrible two's stage. My monkey mind was more like a gorilla war (pun intended). I could so relate to my young son who at times drives me up a wall when I say something to him, and I can see that it is literally in-one-ear-out-the-other.
At this point I just smiled and took comfort in Swami Muktananda's ("Meditate - Happiness Lies Within You) ideas that since the SELF is behind all of our thought processes, we should just accept our thoughts without judgment. Seriously, what else could I do? I figure if my SELF, godlike and of pure divinity, can put up with my crap...then I'm not going to lose any sleep about not acting my age when meditating. I just try again later* (*insert fake Indian accent here).
Picture: a 2-year-old struggling to sit still and the view from my meditation spot on our back porch