I had a normal enough night's sleep. My husband snuck out around 5 A.M. to work the morning shift at IKEA, and since it was Sunday, I was able to sleep in until about 7:30. I got up and made the kids my signature pancakes and bacon breakfast and went about my business throughout the day.
While doing my yoga practice that afternoon, I was playing my nostalgic Spotify list on shuffle when all of the sudden, All That Jazz started crooning "How Can I Fall?". And in an instant, I was completely aware of a dream that I had had earlier that morning, shortly before I awoke. In it, I was visited by four men who have, each in their own way, had a profound impact on me and the course of my life.
The first was my Teacher. The best one I ever had. The one that without criticism taught me that I needed to learn to channel my thoughts onto paper by applying myself. The one whose eyes conveyed that he, if fact, believed in his students, and whose quiet smile and pauses spoke more volumes than the teachers who had chosen a more vocal and forcefeeding method of teaching. I don't recall what we spoke of in my dream. But I do remember how he made me feel so very validated through his tacit approval.
After that, my Husband shows up, but just in passing. Again, there's no "plot", and barely any dialogue. Still, I am reminded of our unique bond and intertwined souls.
Finally, the Workmate/Friend appears. The one so full of himself, that never hesitates to speak his mind, yet he does it in such an unapologetic, charming manner, that I can't help but love him. We made a great team. We understood each other without having to always agree with each other. Above all, we will always respect each other deeply, and that's why he's one of the few that I feel I can really trust.
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