Oh, I've had the opportunity to work on those equanimity skills today, that's for sure! And let's just say I am a real work in progress - with a really long way to go.
I hate confrontations. Even the ones that are supposed to lead to improvement. But that's about me; I recognize that and realize that it's something I have to work on. I need to learn how to say what I think without getting too wrapped up about it!
Something I read last week in my latest issue of Yoga Journal has been a big help today. It was a metaphor where blue skies represent who we really are, and that while clouds of obstruction may block our view, they can't diminish the skies that we know exist behind them. So when those clouds literally came rolling in today, I did all that I could to find even a glimpse of blue between them.
When I talked to my husband on the phone, cursing rabidly about the day I was having, he just told me to come on home, that everything would feel better then. I nearly bit my tongue off resisting the urge to snarl something back. He called me back two minutes after I hung up to say, "Puss (kiss)."
He was wrong, of course. I started feeling better just five minutes later. The same way that clouds come and go, so do my moods. But recognition of that fact helps me remember that even when my clouds are dark and seem all encompassing, that they, too, shall pass.
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