Monday, February 8, 2010

Prioritize me!

The constant battle in my mind continues. Every now and then we (that is, my various wants, needs, wishes, hopes, dreams, etc) call a temporary cease-fire, and I can feel satisfied with things just as they are. But then somebody starts whispering, "What would life be like IF...", and within a split second all those other characters are riled up, and like strikers walking with their handmade signs in a picket line, they're all demanding to be heard - and appeased!

Take the following scenario for example: This weekend I read a want-ad for a pretty cut-and-dry P.T. position within the neighboring community, which happens to be the in the same town as the school where my husband teaches. With that I try envisioning the following: no more overnights, evenings free (=more yoga), steady work-schedule, car-pooling with my husband, being in a closer vicinity to my kids, all are included on the plus side.

The minus side: a lot less money, freedom, stimulation, travelling the country and Europe.

Plus side: no more guilty conscience for always being away when one of the kids fall ill or when the cat decides to battle it out with his little bird prey in the living room while the house is empty, leaving it up to my husband to defend the fort (and clean up the mess) on his own.

Minus side: The peace of mind associated with being able to afford a family vacation, activities for the kids, new clothes when needed, haircuts, birthday presents, car repairs.

On the one hand: don't change a winning concept.

On the other hand: you won't know if you don't try.

I think it's time for a hot bath (plus side, by the way, since I'm spending the night at a hotel).

Picture from Google

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