Saturday, February 6, 2010

Don't want to jinx it!

I've written before that where some might have a hard time admitting to others when times are tough, I have find it more difficult to admit when things are good. This partly due to my fear that if I openly express my own good fortune, I then risk that a) things won't get any better, and I will have to "settle" for what I have or b) I'll jinx my luck and things will take a turn for the worse. Ridiculous, I know.

The other reason I at times hesitate to answering, "Things are great!", when someone inquires as to how I'm doing, is that I am suddenly struck by guilt, afraid that my enthusiasm and all around positive attitude might offend others who aren't doing so great. Not that I really get how my being miserable would help others (other than the fact that misery loves company)... Juvenile, huh?

Anyhow, here goes: Things ARE great. Work is fine. House is warm. Kids are (pretty) healthy. Take this Saturday morning for example: I'm in pajamas lying in bed and blogging. Hubby is next to me in his bathrobe watching an episode of "Bands of Brothers". Daughter is upstairs singing along with some YouTube clip. Son is doing what he loves more than anything - playing Playstation.

Sure, we have a house to clean later, lunch to make, clothes to wash; but for now things really couldn't be any better.

Picture from Google

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