A newspaper reporter asks a five-year-old to explain what time is. The kid answers, "Time is time. Kids have more time than grownups." In two days I will be turning yet another page on our family calendar, the third time this year. MARCH! Which is exactly what this year is already doing, marching on and ahead, and losing no time in the process!! On the other hand, isn't this what I wanted? For winter to end as quickly as possible so that we can get on with our lives while bathing in light and warmth to the sounds of birds singing and leaves rustling?
Tap-tap-tap-tap-tap. The stacatto sound from outside my window draws my attention. The temperature is finally above freezing, and it's raining. Thick layers of snow are drawn towards the edge of roof, and I watch as drops of rain and melting snow cascade in a waterfall of transformation. The glistening snow's spell is broken; its beauty is being extinguished before my eyes. And I find myself thinking, "Gee, maybe it wasn't so bad with all the snow after all?"
In whichever case, that question is moot as time is ever unfolding and ultimately unstoppable. While planning for a workshop tomorrow I come across an article written by yoga expert Donna Farhi. She addresses the limits of time with a question that feels as though it were directed to me personally, "What are we afraid of giving birth to?" Basically, dare we try to attain our dreams? Or do we settle for clinging to what we have by playing it safe?
Good question. Fair question. I like safe. I don't like failure. But does that mean I am letting fear run my life?
I'm taking a small step in what I believe is the right direction. This spring I am going to lead a group in yoga for pregnancy. Which means it's time for me to, albeit on an extremely small scale, take the first step towards going into business for myself. After all, time waits for no one.