It's time to break the pattern. Like the radio ad says,"The wheel is spinning, but the hamster is dead." If the hamster is my brain, then perhaps I'm not clinically dead, but I could use some serious life support at the moment.
Or maybe I'm the little duckling from my entry a week or so ago... But even though I got through the storms of September, I wasn't ready for the rapids in October. So while I don't have any huge projects pending for another few weeks, playing "catchup" while simultaneously holding down the fort is just not working out. I am fogetting things. Mind you, that isn't at all unusual for me, but usually I eventually remember the important things, even if it's often at the very last minute. Now it's like my short term memory has been deleted, erased, wiped clean.
I have a Yoga Journal magazine at home that's been been waiting to be opened for more than two weeks. I'm waiting for the perfect opportunity when all is calm, and I'm coherent enough to lose myself in it. But I'm not there yet.
Escape plans: 1. Call cleaning lady - DONE - she's coming to give us an estimate next week. At this point I'm like, "TAKE MY MONEY - just please help me out here!" 2. Don't forget the fabulous friends you have - DONE - had a wonderful evening with a girl who besides offering food, drink, and wonderful conversation, alway gives me an intellectual and creative vitamin injection as well (Tack, Jeanette!). 3. Consider backing off with teaching at the gym...this is a tough one, since teaching forces me to stick to some sort of exercise routine. However, this is where I've unintentionally been screwing things up since I haven't been able to be there on a regular basis anyhow - WILL DISCUSS 4. I have last month's issue of YJ in my suitcase - try reading it for 5 minutes before passing out on pillow - WILL DO!
After all, there's gotta be an emergency stop button somewhere on this damn hamster wheel, right?
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