How's your Cyprus presentation going? The TV's not working; can you look at it? Can you read to me? What's for dinner? Can you go to A's school for his appointment with the nurse? What's the square root of 81? What year did the battle at Gettysburg take place? What's the chemical symbol for potassium?
Eight entries. That's all I managed to write during all of September. I've been doing a lot of thinking about my life's high-paced tempo lately. Trying to figure out if something can be crossed off the list. It's probably not healthy to push myself like this. Eight entries. That's a sign that I've already sacrificed much of the free time that I usually use for doing NOTHING, seeing as how that's when I get a chance to reflect.
What's the payoff of having too much to do? The most obvious reward is that we make more money this way; and I'm really looking forward to our Florida vacation in December. On a more subtle note; since I have managed to keep my head above water and every project I've participated in thus far has been successful, well that means that despite my exhaustion I reap the rewards of satisfaction which makes my efforts seem worthwhile. I end up enjoying myself, as long as everything works out.
But eight entries. It's not only my blog, mind you; it's also a sign that literally, I'm not present. If I don't have enough time for myself, then I don't have enough time to just be there for my kids. Like this morning, for the first time in what seems like ages, I was greeted by my son who came into my bedroom (as I was writing this) to say good morning and crawl under the covers. With Mr. Meow on his tummy we chatted about the Tom & Jerry comic book we read last night. Soon he was off to play Playstation when my daughter stepped in and crawled under the covers for the same good morning procedure. Now she's watching cartoons.
Seeing as how no matter how much I plead, a day will for all of eternity only consist of 24 hours, I have to figure out how to make things work. And somewhere in the midst of it all I would like to eventually figure who I am so that I might finally gain some insight into how I should prioritize.
But for the moment, the plan is to enjoy long, leisurely paced French toast breakfast with my two angels.
just det, njut, njut , njut. Sen är sen. Kram