For starters, Tack (Thank you), Carina for a magical hour this evening.
Thank you especially for reminding me at the end of class that we can offer positive, loving energy to others through our thoughts and intentions. Tonight I automatically chose to offer a silent prayer to the young boys in Gävle who were victims of a horrific, illegal circumcision.
It may sound pointless, but I remember reading somewhere that our thoughts effect our brain waves, and that our brain waves, in turn, effect the vibrations within the universe; which implies that we can physically alter the universe with our mind.
And when you think about it, maybe it's not so strange. How often does one see or experience something that spontaneously makes you feel good? Here you can see a couple things that made me feel good today...
tack för ikväll. jag var så rädd för att du inte skulle tycka om det. det blev märkliga vibbar i salen periodvis....din närvaro behövdes. har helt missat det där med killarna i Gävle- låter fruktansvärt.
ReplyDeleteJag tror absolut på tankens kraft. du vet ju hur annorlunda allting ser ut om man bara gör en sån liten sak som att ändra inställning. då måste ju tankar med omtanke och kärlek till andra göra mirakel.
namaste och godnatt