I live by the sea. I did not grow up by the sea, but I live there now, south of Kalmar to be exact. Everytime I see this body of water, it feels like the first time all over again. I become enthralled.
My respect for water is boundless; I would neither challenge its power nor its wrath. I am convinced that the powers of nature and the cosmos are greater than man's.
What would it be like to reach that point of elightenment when you realize that you are God, that everyone and everything is God?
(Unfortunately(?))I can't even begin to grasp that concept. Frankly, it frightens me.
For now, I gratefully continue to bask in a heartfelt feeling of belonging everytime I meet the sea.
Jag undrar åxå. Tills dess nöjer jag mig med att känna mig hemma nära vattnet. hemma i Kalmar. Kramis