Still holding back. Still wanting to be in control. Still waiting to receive love before I offer it back. Still wearing a cloak of hypersensitivity.
That was my state of mind as I climbed onto my mat yesterday. I felt more than ever that I needed a new perspective for this practice. Normally, I strive for technical precision as I dig inwardly to analyze and evaluate my experience. But faced with what I was already feeling, it made me wonder if my frustration is more a result of my feeling separate and altogether disconnected with that which is bigger than my ego-self?
Through closed blinds I could see the silhouette of leafy tree branches dancing in the breeze. The sun doesn't hold back its rays. The wind doesn't diminish its energy. Nature is always true to itself. So I decided to seek outside of myself this time and reach out to the power of nature. And it was a wonderful experience.
At the end of my session, I sang three "Ohms". Usually I sing them from my larynx as I make an effort to create a melodious sound. This time, while the sound was much quieter, it came from my heart center, and it was as though its vibration was in perfect harmony with the prana (life-energy) surrounding me.
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