If holding a grudge were an Olympic competition, then I would have more gold than Fort Knox. Sometimes it gets so bad that my ego voice (the one symbolized by a little devil on my shoulder) doesn't even register that in the real world millions have just been devastated by earthquakes and tsunamis; maybe being interrupted isn't quite as dire a situation?
no-no-NO... Little devil reminds my ego that this is just ONE of the many times I have been WRONGED! Then he proceeds to open in my mind a Pandora's Box of all wrongs past. And no good intention in the universe from angel-on-my-other-shoulder can diminish the dark shadows from hurtful memories.
I can almost see the little devil rubbing his knobby, little hands, as he thinks to himself, "Yes! I'll have won yet another weekend of misery, just you wait!" This being my first thought when I drowsily open my eyes this morning and am instantly reminded of yesterday's bad mood.

Then out of nowhere, Pride and Self-dignity step in like two, cool superheroes. They point out the obvious, which is that all these thoughts are disgustingly pathetic, and I should just get over it. Now let's get on with my life, shall we?
Prayers and thoughts to all who were affected by the tragedies of yesterday.
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