What am I, 10?
Sorry, I'm 40.
Although I do wish I still had the kind of best friend one has when one is 10. Nothing beats juicy girl talk.
But finding die-hard girlfriends isn't easy for me. I used to have a handful, pretty good, mostly long-distance girlfriends, but after tiring of being the one who always called first, I decided that a sustainable friendship should be based on mutual interest and initiative.
The few that I have today, albeit not quite as intimate as in SATC, are ones that I truly value. At the same time, all I hope for is to enjoy them on a day-to-day basis, without expecting nor demanding too much. And that's OK as long as my life is OK. Should I end up in an emotional gutter, I honestly don't know who'd I would or could call.
So what else is there?
Naturally my husband is falls into the category 'best friend', as long as I'm not mad at him...
My cat is a really comforting friend, that is, if he's in the mood to snuggle...
I have some great colleagues, mostly guys, and while we laugh alot, there's a limit as to what topics we can discuss!
And sure, I'm lucky to have my four siblings, but they HAVE TO be nice to me!
What's left then?
Here's something I'll never forget; something my childhood friend's mother once sternly asked with (pointing index finger and everything) :
Friend's Mom: Judie Moss, who is your best friend?!
Me: I dunno...G?
Friend's Mom: YOU are your own best friend, young lady!
And that small piece of wisdom has stuck with me for the past 30 years. And the truth of those words are my mantra today.
Still, if anyone is interested in being a BFF, or a BF For Right Now, or just a F that feels like going for some latte, just say the word.
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