Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Funny, my mind is cluttered with endless thoughts. Constant bombardment, 24-7 actually.

Yet I can't seem to express them. Heck, I can't even identify them. Thus, I can't make any sense of them.

Maybe it's kind of a defense mechanism? To prevent overload.

Or have I short-circuited? God, I hope not...

It's surrealistic. My senses are in tact, yet it's as though I've "left the building". I'm aware that I'm observing, and I enjoy reading what others are up to with great interest, but I don't feel I have much to contribute for the moment.

I think I miss this blog, but I'm not sure if I really miss it, or if I think I should be missing it. The same goes for FB; before I had so much I wanted to share, but now...

I know I'm giving my thoughts too much power. They're only THOUGHTS after all. Still, there's a few hefty, pending issues that are monopolizing my mind. It's only temporary, I know. And hopefully some clarity will shine on through soon, too.

So I'm going to allow myself to continue carrying on in my quiet numbness for the time being.

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