Saturday, March 27, 2010

You can't handle the truth!

Well, maybe I can, but sometimes it does catch me off guard.

Two scenes from my life, both having to do with me grappling with the "truth":

At the hairdresser's
Me: (said with 50% sincerity) Let me know if you see any gray hairs...

Hairdresser: Hmm, no, I don't see any gray hairs....

Me: (silent sigh of relief)

Hairdresser: No gray hairs, but here's a white one!

Me: :-P

Talking with my 6-year-old son at breakfast this morning
A: Can I jump on the trampoline today?

Me: Oh, I don't know. It's still a little cold, and your socks will get wet and dirty.

A: (pauses) Yeah, but that's simple. If my socks get dirty, I can put on new ones when I come inside, and we can wash the dirty ones.

Me: I suppose you're right. (At the same time admitting to myself: Like, DUH!)

A: It's easy.

Me: You're absolutely right, A. I'll ask Pappa to help me pull the trampoline out on the lawn later.

A:(after a minute) You couldn't think of that yourself?

What can I say? I'm still a work in progress, trying to see the truth beyond my at times distorted perceptions. I'm just grateful for the times that life lessons contain a healthy dose of humor as well.

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend. Kram/Hug

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