Driving along the old highway, about a mile from the entrance our village, I always find myself admiring the scenic surroundings. Within that 1½ mile stretch, I get to enjoy all the elements I feel that I desire and need in order to feel at home:
1. Water - Ljungbyån (Ljungby stream) runs placidly along through the pastures besides me. It simultaneously offers a sense of endless energy (prana perhaps?) and peace.
2. Sky - In contrast to the hills of New England where I grew up, the land here is quite flat so that the sky can spread its huge blue, and sometimes pink and purple, canvas out as far as the eye can see. The openess of it all creates an innate feeling of freedom.
3. Trees - The leafy trees, mostly birches, have been around much longer than even the eldest of houses, and their towering spires provide a sense of shelter and security. And with each season a new, seductive symphony of bold colors combined with subtle nuances opens, making every day feel like Christmas for my eyes.
4. Church steeple - The white steeple of the old church, seen from afar, reminds me of the comfort one experiences when belonging to a community, however small it may be. Mind you, this small village has more than its share of small-minded folk, but that doesn't mean we can't aspire to making this little corner of the world better for our children and the generations to come, right?
Jag har själv aldrig tänkt på det, men i takt med att man lär känna det området man bor i kommer man på vilka element man uppskattar.
ReplyDeleteJag brukar hävda att jag saknar havet, men en porlande bäck finns i alla fall. Här finns också såväl närheten till stadens brus som tystanden på landet, daglig kontakt med vilda rådjur, skogens liv, dalens djup och bergets utsikt.
Om möjligheten fanns, skulle jag inte tacka nej till att bo vid havet ;-). Är i alla fall glad att det är bara några kilometer dit.