I love when LIFE takes an unexpected turn, however small, and ends up pointing me in a direction that I wouldn't have taken on my own. Tonight I had planned on going to Carina's Body Jam class. Carina, who will have a hard time reading the following, is my dancing idol. When I go to her class, her spirit possesses mine (sort of like in the movie "Ghost"), and my sweat is only surpassed by my joy. Tonight Carina couldn't teach, and me being a creature of habit, a creature of comfort, I didn't know quite what to do. It dawned on me that all the driving I had done this week had left me feeling pretty stiff, so maybe an explosive dance class wasn't what my body needed tonight, after all.
The yoga studio would only be available for half-an-hour before the start of Lotta's Pilates class. OK, I figured I could go in and do some sun salutations along with some hip openers and forward bends. And as long as I was there, I might as well try out the Pilates class, right? I've dabbled some in Pilates since it's an integrated part of Body Balance; I've just never taken an entire class. I was secretly hoping that it wouldn't be like a core class where one gets lactic acid buildup (mjölksyra) just by walking through the door.
I could relax. The class was fantastic. Working with my energies to stabilize as I lengthened through the moves in unison with my breathing was just what I needed.
How lovely when everything doesn't go as planned... ;)
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