Thank God I went to Carina's yoga class yesterday. What a joy it was to surrender myself and let her guide me through an hour's worth of vinyasas and asanas. So nice - being able to submerge myself in her instructions and guidance, which is easy considering the fact that I have complete trust in both her competence and sincerity. And I can't begin to describe how delicious the pineapple, mangoes, and ginger-tea were afterwards!
Today, on my own, it was not so easy. I am planning on focusing on balance postures tomorrow, the placement of one's feet in particular, but I tell you: a drunken sailor would have succeeded better than I did standing on one leg today. And the frustrating thing is that I honestly don't know what was up with that! It's like my energy short circuited, and the more I tried to root myself, the more unstable I became.
So I figured, a-ha!, the lesson here is to let each moment go with each passing breath and thereby keep myself in the present! Ok, I did just that; at least I think I did that. Anyhow, my balance did not improve.
Is it because I shifted my regular focus to a new point? Was my drishti (visual focal point) off? Should I keep on with this new focus and see if it gets better? Or is this a message that maybe instead of rooting myself, I should instead be thinking about "lightness"?
Or should I just let it go, go to bed, and try again tomorrow?
Försök igen i morgon. Fylld av visdom så vet jag att bara man låter saker förbli oanalyserade och vilande en stund, återkommer de med full kraft.