Fell victim to the classic "Today I am going to do my thing, but first...".
"First" is soon followed by a "second", a "third", a "fourth" then when hearing of my husband's plans, the second and third switch places, just to discover, too late of course, that I had misunderstood my husband's plans.
So today's intricate plans fell to the ground like a house of cards. I picked up the husband's and the kids' cards and put them back into place. One of my cards disappeared completely while the other one, while still useable, ended up with some bent corners.
Even though my cards weren't at all spectacular, I felt tremendously sad, so much so that I couldn't stop my tears from falling. Five minutes later, I had rebuilt the altered house, but my gloom continued to stalk me.
I forced myself to play the dented card, which was to do at least an hour's yoga in between the kids' activities. Strange how my sweat always stinks of B.O. when I do yoga while feeling stressed. But I did what I could. Focused on tomorrow's theme - that everything has a backside, be it good or bad, or neither.
What has helped me was that when I reached the near end, and it was time for my forward bends, I didn't have the energy to struggle with them. Instead the calming gift that forward bends offer gave me comfort, like a hug from within.
Yoga teaches that pain is a part of life, and learning to accept that is part of our journey towards enlightenment. How nice of life to remind me of that today ;-) (she remarked with a tinge of irony...)