When life gets crazy, (like, when is it not?!), the worst part about it is my feeling disconnected: from myself, my family, my friends, my practice, my surroundings. As I look back on the past few months, I realize that I have gone from being someone who gladly posted small tidbits about her life on FB, to being someone who's thinks to herself, "God, does anyone really want to read about yet another uneventful day in the life of me?"
The thing is, I don't want any of my friends to stop sharing details about their lives. FB is my one, true, guilty pleasure. I love keeping tabs on what everyone else is up to. Most of all, I thrive on the warmth of smiles shared across the miles.
But do I let them know that?
I may as well admit it; I am not living up to my end of the deal.
But that's going to change.
My New Year's Resolution for 2012 is that I am going to stay in better touch and let you, my friends, decide if you want to take part in what's going on with me.
I also promise to be much more generous with my "likes" and comments, not so much to give you my two-cents; rather so that you know I care.
Already, I feel more connected.