Just think that one can remember the title to a book that Mrs. Joy read to us in the 5th grade. We were then given a written assignment to write our own, similar story that Tony Chemero won, using Jimmy Carter as the hero of the story.
So maybe today wasn't a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, but I'm so glad it's over. It was one of those days when a million little things seemed to go slightly awry. Nothing bad enough to cause a disaster, but put them all together. Things like: getting a late start Monday morning (what a way to start the week), getting overcharged at Mc Donald's (!), telemarketer-calls to my private cell (that I do my best to keep PRIVATE), icy roads, and finally, getting locked out of my e-mail account.
And as irritating as each mishap felt, the fact that I've listed them here and put them on display for all to see is enough - for me to keep it real. Seriously, it's not like I don't know where my next meal is coming from or if I'm going to find shelter for the night. If I want melodramatic, I have a preteen at home who can fill my misery reserves (and then some!).
At the same time, I'm not trying to make myself out to be a saint. Like I said, I'm keeping it real. My mantra today as I pulled into the hotel parking lot was, "I made it through today; let's just get through tomorrow as well."