The funk continues, and quite frankly, I'm sick of it. And I'm frustrated with myself for feeling the way I feel which is unfulfilled.
The problem is: I like nice things.
In other words, I like to go shopping, especially for clothes. Even though I thrive on finding great sales, I tend to follow the time-old addage: The more you buy, the more you save!
I like caffe latte.
I like taking courses and workshops.
I like being able to book vacations in warm places.
And so on...
In order to enable myself to lead this lifestyle, I at times subject myself to living in a hamster wheel. And it's spinning more and more. And I'm getting dizzy.
All the while I have the memory of my new year's resolution resounding in my brain, the resolution I really took great time and effort in forming - making what I have work. Although I feel sometimes tempted to leave my profession, that's just not an option. But in order to find some peace of mind I've decided to attempt a small experiment, effective as of August 1st, just to see what happens:
* No Internet (except for private e-mail and writing blog entries should the need arise) for 1 week.
* No shopping for anything other than bare necessities for 1 month.
This is because my willpower dissolves the minute I sit down with my laptop. I can easily disappear in a cyberic-stupor for 2-3 hours without blinking after a long, hard workday/-week. And when I'm bored, I start hunting for things that I "truly" believe might fill that void (but, really, who are we kidding?).
OK, it's not like I'm getting ready to join a nudist movement, nor am I about to abandon the material world and live in a cave (!), but perhaps I received a signal that I don't need all these nice things to be beautiful after all? Because all I can say is that I don't feel beautiful having them...
...because it never seems to be enough.