This afternoon I did my practice and decided to focus on an area (OK, two areas) that I tend to overlook, or at least speed through: backbends and abs. So I hit the mat, and as usual it took about half-an-hour to find my flow; it ususally kicks in after my standing poses.
Since vulnerability in strength was my theme (that I'll be using tomorrow), I just kept moving, kept breathing, and focused mostly on my uddiyana bandha, the abdominal contraction that protects my back and keeps my prana contained.
What surprised me was the reminder that backbends are natural pick-me-ups. I actually enjoyed doing them! Enough that I did "wheel" twice!! I think the fact that I skipped my arm balances and instead did some extra core work was a wise choice.
I may love my yoga, so much so that I became an instructor, but I am the first to admit that I often have to drag myself to my mat. After this practice I actually found myself looking forward to the next time I can pull my mat out again.